Go bananas
to become very angry and upset, to see red.
(ផ្ទុះកំហឹង, ខឹងសម្បា)

For examples: 
1. When I told my mom I got flunked the exam, she went bananas and blamed me several days.
(ពេលខ្ញុំប្រាប់ម្ដាយថាខ្ញុំប្រលងធ្លាក់ គាត់ខឹងយ៉ាងខ្លាំងហើយបន្ទោសខ្ញុំជាច្រើនថ្ងៃ។)

2. My sister went bananas when I didn't go to school.

3. Let's clean the house. Mom will go bananas if she sees it in dirty.
(តោះនាំគ្នាសម្អាតផ្ទះ។ ម៉ាក់នឹងខឹងប្រសិនបើគាត់ឃើញផ្ទះកខ្វក់។)

Break your backto work really hard, to put much effort into doing something. 
(ប្រឹងធ្វើការខ្លាំង, ខំប្រឹងប្រែងខ្លាំង)

For examples: 
1. I've been breaking my back over these ongoing conflicts for five consecutive days.

2. We've breaking our backs to complete this project.

A cup of tea: if something is your cup of tea, you do like it.

For examples:
1. Traveling is my cup of tea.
2. Shopping is not her cup of tea.

Eat like a horse: when you say someone eats like a horse, they eat a lot.
ញ៉ាំច្រើន, ស៊ីច្រើន

For examples:
Pizza was not my cup of tea, but one time I had a big appetite and ate like a horse.
(ភីស្សាមិនមែនជាអាហារខ្ញុំចូលចិត្តទេ ប៉ុន្តែមានពេលមួយខ្ញុំឃ្លានខ្លាំងពេកហើយក៏បានញ៉ាំយ៉ាងច្រើន។)